Bandwidth Rate

Inbound Rate: Inbound traffic is sent from the client to the network. Rate limits are enforced on a per-client basis whether the rate limit is assigned to a rule or role. Each client has its own set of counters that are used to monitor its wireless network utilization. Traffic from other clients never count against a client's rate limits. Maximum Number of Limiters per Group: 8 inbound.

Outbound Rate: Outbound traffic is sent from the network towards the client. Maximum Number of Limiters per Group: 8 outbound.

Configure the following parameters to configure a new Bandwidth Limit:
The name for the rate limit.
Average Rate (CIR)
The rate at which the network supports data transfer under normal operations. It is measured in kilobits per second (Kbps).

The supported rate for ExtremeCloud IQ Controller is 500,000 Kbps.